
Florida: Aligator sememangnya banyak di Florida namun jarang yang sebesar ‘Humpback’ aligator betina yang kelihatan seperti dinosaur, dirakam penduduk Florida, Kim Joiner, yang terserempak dengan haiwan itu di Kawasan Simpanan Circle B Bar, Lakeland, di sini.

Joiner merakam aligator itu ketika dia dan beberapa pelancong lain terserempak dengan haiwan itu Ahad lalu, sebelum memuat naik video ke Facebook yang kini sudah dikongsi 18,000 kali.

Berdasarkan komen di Facebook itu, penduduk tempatan menggelarnya ‘Humpback.’

Antara komen itu berbunyi: “Itu dinosaur!”

Sorang wanita berkata: “Wow! Sebagai penduduk Florida, saya terkejut dengan saiz aligator ini.”

Video itu mendorong penduduk ke Circle B untuk melihat sendiri dan seorang wanita memberitahu ABC Action News, kerana dia menyangka apa yang dilihat dalam video itu ialah palsu.

Menurut Suruhanjaya Pemuliharaan Ikan dan Hidupan Liar Florida, saiz terbesar aligator pernah direkod ialah 4.3 meter di Tasik Washington.

Aligatior ‘Humpback’ yang dirakam Joiner ini dianggar sepanjang 3.7 meter.

Aligator betina jarang melebihi 3.1 meter panjang namun boleh membesar.

Artikel ini disiarkan pada : Selasa, 17 January 2017 @ 4:20 PM
from Chris Murphy 01634 686 515Is that Godzilla in real life, or has someone faked an amazing video online.Seems the truth about this monster reptile strolling across a mud path is somewhere in the middle.The woman who filmed this incredible scene, that is making the internet lose its mind, swears it is all perfectly genuine.It happened in Lakeland, Florida.While some can’t believe their eyes after seeing the massive gator crossing in front of some tourists in Florida, others issued warnings never to be near one of these beasts while laying on ground.Local lady Kim Joiner posted the video to the Circle B Bar Reserve Polk Nature Discovery Center group on Facebook on Sunday.She said: "I love Circle B. Nature at its best.”The video has already been shared more than 15,000 times.Joiner told WKMG the video is real and reckoned the gator was at least 12 feet long."It looks like a dinosaur," News 6 anchor Justin Warmoth said."Is that real?" News 6 anchor Kirstin O'Connor asked upon first viewing the video. "Yes, it's real," Joiner told News 6 social media producer Shannon McLellan.The station said when she was asked to guess the weight, Joiner said: "Huge!"Kirstin added: "It seems too big to be real. That's crazy."To see the monster from another age, take a look here
from Chris Murphy 01634 686 515Is that Godzilla in real life, or has someone faked an amazing video online.Seems the truth about this monster reptile strolling across a mud path is somewhere in the middle.The woman who filmed this incredible scene, that is making the internet lose its mind, swears it is all perfectly genuine.It happened in Lakeland, Florida.While some can’t believe their eyes after seeing the massive gator crossing in front of some tourists in Florida, others issued warnings never to be near one of these beasts while laying on ground.Local lady Kim Joiner posted the video to the Circle B Bar Reserve Polk Nature Discovery Center group on Facebook on Sunday.She said: "I love Circle B. Nature at its best.”The video has already been shared more than 15,000 times.Joiner told WKMG the video is real and reckoned the gator was at least 12 feet long."It looks like a dinosaur," News 6 anchor Justin Warmoth said."Is that real?" News 6 anchor Kirstin O'Connor asked upon first viewing the video. "Yes, it's real," Joiner told News 6 social media producer Shannon McLellan.The station said when she was asked to guess the weight, Joiner said: "Huge!"Kirstin added: "It seems too big to be real. That's crazy."To see the monster from another age, take a look here